วันเสาร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

weiqi baduk igo go New Release article !!!

you have this question in your heart......!!!

weiqi is ???

baduk is ???

go games board is ???

igo is ???

weiqhi is ???

How about go

how learn to play go

what about the basic rule of go

where to play go,weiqi,baduk on internet ?

internet go server is ? [KGS kiseido goserver,IGS pandanet,Dashn baduk]

you known about go equipment ? [ go boards,stones,bowl and accesories]

and how to improve your skill ....openning middle end games normal basic or advance Joseki , Fuseki , Attacking , Defending etc.

Clear this complex Question with Us komi099 +plus blog

วันพุธที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Preparing for the real game

preparing for the real game

A slap in the face
Extending your stone
Kakari and Shimari - corners are profitable
Epilog- Where to go next?

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Foreign Language Versions
[Japanese] By Hiroki Mori
[French]By Alain Papazoglou
[Italian] By Italian Go Association
[Croatian] By Croatian Igo Alliance
[Chinese]By Zhanghuand YuPing
[Romanian] By Adria Ghita
[German]By Von Gerit Planitzer, Alexander Parsch
[Dutch] By Tom Francis
[Spanish]By Claudio Cofré Caro
[Polish By Andrzej Bojar
[Esperanto] By Qitailang Ida
[Ukrainian]By Igor Golin
[Portuguese]By Ricardo Alamino
[Turkish] By Alper Tecer
[Finnish] By Pekka Korolainen
[Hungarian]By Albrecht Istvan
[Russian] By Vadim Kolontsov
[Thai]By Thammarat Charoechai
[Indonesian] By Agro Rachmatullah
[Swedish] B Mans Andersson
[Hebrew]By Daniel Moran(1-13) and Haim Nissani(14-Final)
[Slovak] By Peter Kruty
[Catalan]By Marc Gonzalez-Carnicer
[Basque]By Ibon Igartua
[Belarus] By Symonka Salaveika
[Arabic] By Obadah Horany
[Chinese(Traditional)] By Hong Kong GO Association
[Lithuanian] By Gintautas Miselis
[Greek]By Cyprus Go Association
[Bulgarian] By Bulgarian Go Association
[Slovenian]By Go Association of Slovenia

How a game is Progressed

How to get started?

By now you may already understand how to capture stones.However, in the beginning of a real game, you have to play on a board with nothing on it.

First, please take a look at the vast 19x19 board and see how we divide it into areas and how we refer to each one..

As shown above, the 4 areas near the coner of the board is called "corners" and the area between the two corners are "sides" and the center is "middle".There are no distinct borders between these areas and we are just using these names for convenience.
From which area do you want to start to move?

How a game is started !!!!!

The beginning - How a game is started
36 Kyu problems - The middle game
End game - How to count territory?
End game(2)
Cutting stones - Tear them apart!
Defending - Prevent the cut
One Point Jump - very good move
More about jumps
35 Kyu Problems - The game is almost over
34 Kyu Problems
Game Examples
Komi - A little bonus for white

More about Capturing Stones

Capturing Stones

45 Kyu Problems - Learning the Ladder
The stones which would never be captured
44 Kyu Problems - Make Two Eyes
43 Kyu Problems - Semeai(attacking each other)
42 Kyu Problems - Learning Uttegaeshi (snapback technique)
Ko- The last rule to remember
40 Kyu Problems - Crane in the nest
39 Kyu Problems - False Eyes
38 Kyu Problems - Fight around the corner
37 Kyu Problems

Basic Rule : How to Capture stones ?

50 Kyu Problems : Capture Atari Stones!
49 Kyu Problems : A bit more difficult
48 Kyu Problems : Capture anyway!
Destroy all whites : Just take a break
47 Kyu Problems : Double Ataris
Illegal moves : One more rule to remember
46 Kyu Problems : Think Twice

Interlude before get start interactive to Go